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Tips to make it greener

  • The embalming process can be skipped as embalming fluid is a mixture of formaldehyde which is toxic to humans as well as the environment.  But if this is not an option, check that your provider uses formaldehyde-free chemicals for embalming. 

  • Choose a coffin/casket that is sustainably sourced or made.  Avoid toxic materials and instead opt for recycled materials such as Enviroboard.

  • Instead of a traditional urn, opt for a biodegradable one if you plan on burying the cremains on land or at sea.

  • Ask about and authorise your provider to remove and recycle any medical parts and metals.

  • Scatter the ashes in an authorised and suitable location, or at sea.

  • Select a cremation provider that uses energy-efficient furnaces and filtering systems.

Note: Water burial and scattering may be governed by federal and local laws.  Please consult your funeral professional if you choose one of these options.

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