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Dry ice serves only to refrigerate the body. It does not protect against infectious disease; moreover, it releases carbon dioxide (CO2), a cause of global warming.


DOMS is a stabilised chlorine dioxide agent that disinfects the deceased, slows decay, and delivers deodorising benefits. The palm-size Powder sachet works immediately after placement and delivers outstanding benefits, preserving the body in a natural state for five days. No hazardous substances are released during cremation, making DOMS a revolutionary, environmentally friendly preservative.


The sanitising power of DOMS is also effective against type A, B, and C hepatitis viruses, HIV (AIDS), tuberculosis bacteria, avian influenza, and even norovirus, which cannot be killed by alcohol disinfectant.


DOMS has been certified as safe by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the World Health Organisation (WHO).

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en-Bleu is a disinfectant water tablet for residual water and mortuary discharge which neutralises body fluid. It kills harmful bacteria and viruses that cause infection and odour and purifies mortuary wastewater free from toxic by-products and microorganisms.


This odourless product is soluble in water. It is effective over a broad pH range (4-10) and does not react with ammonia which is one of the main ingredients of body fluid and does not produce toxic compounds in contact with organic materials present in water. en-Bleu is also effective at lower dose rates compared with chloride or bromine, it is non-corrosive at the recommended dose rates, and rapidly degrades into harmless inorganic chemicals when exposed to sunlight so that no harmful chemicals are released into the environment.



The decision of whether to embalm can be determined if the family desires to conduct a memorial service. However, the sole reason could be to provide comfort and closure for the family and friends and aid them in their grief. Sometimes, the mind cannot accept the death, therefore, it’s important to see the body, to accept that their loved one had passed and to say a final farewell.


Dodge is one of the most widely known names and industry leaders in the Funeral Service Profession. A fourth-generation family business, they are the largest provider of embalming chemicals and suppliers with subsidiaries and distributors located throughout the world.


The profession of Funeral Directing and Embalming has seen a great many changes over the last 100 or more years and Dodge has proudly responded to these changes; including the formulation, testing and release of the world’s first formaldehyde-free arterial and cavity chemicals, the first embalming machine with automatic pressure control and a waterless aspirator.

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Coffins and caskets

LifeArt has created the world’s leading personalised and environmental coffins and caskets. The environmentally friendly product allows funeral businesses and consumers the option to fully customise their coffin/casket or choose from its range of contemporary designs or traditional timber finishes.


The coffin and casket material, Enviroboard, offers both lightness and strength. It produces up to 87% less greenhouse gas emissions when cremated and uses up to 80% fewer trees compared with coffins or caskets made from chipboard or MDF. At 10.5kg LifeArt coffins and caskets are around 70% lighter helping to reduce the risk of injury during handling.


Whether it’s the recycled paper and responsibly-sourced wood offcuts used in the coffins, caskets and packaging, LifeArt is setting new eco-standards for businesses.



Sortem is committed to producing ecological and biodegradable urns through its ceramic workshop. The beautifully designed urns are a perfect alternative for families that prefer to keep the ashes of their loved ones for those that choose to scatter them, bury them in a special place, or simply dissolve at sea.


The biggest difference between biodegradable urns and other types is the materials they are made of, which as a rule, are organic, recycled, and sustainable. These urns can be stored at home or in columbariums like the rest of the ballot boxes on the market, but as soon as they are put in contact with water or wet earth, their biodegradability is activated so that submerged in water, it takes about 30 minutes to decompose completely.


Regardless of the option chosen, the components with which it is made will always return to the earth without altering the environment.


Scattering in the Holy Land

More and more people are now choosing cremation over traditional burial due to cost, flexibility, environmental and most importantly, space availability at cemetery.


Cremation offers the option for loved ones to design and complete one of a kind memorial and disposition.  Scattering ashes is a popular choice, and this can be done in a myriad of ways; at sea, in your backyard, from a helicopter, planted as a memorial tree, shot off in fireworks, and so on.


Ash scattering in the Holy Land is a unique unforgettable way to create a final milestone for life’s journey by scattering a symbolic sample of cremated remains among the timeless vistas of the Holy Land, a place that speaks to so many faiths.  This service is available to people of all religions, arriving from anywhere in the world. 


Our team of skilled professionals at Aley Shalechet in Israel will carry out your wishes down to the smallest detail – with compassion, reverence and efficiency.  All stages managed by experts, for peace of mind.

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