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What are your thoughts on death and dying?

“It is a great celebration of life, not only mine, but an affirmation of the lives of all gathered at the funeral."

Anne Field, 70, Former Company Director, now retired

Their thoughts

How old do you want to live to be?

Long enough to ensure that I have created a legacy worth leaving for my family. However I think I have already done that, but I am not ready to leave my loved ones yet.

Do you have a fantasy funeral?

No, only that it is a great celebration of life, not only mine, but an affirmation of the lives of all gathered at the funeral.  My one ‘fantasy’ would be to have lots of my favourite music, inspirational and life giving.

What scares you the most about dying?

I don’t really fear death, as I have no ‘unfinished business’.  I also belief in a Life hereafter, and see our earthly journey as a relatively short period of time, in the context of all eternity.

What would your 3 pieces of wisdom be for the those left behind?

Cherish every moment

Always forgive, ‘never let the sun set on your anger”

Consciously create memories with your loved ones that will sustain them in their grief.

If you had a destination funeral where would it be?

I want my funeral to be celebrated where I have lived and loved with my family, on the Mornington Peninsula, and our beautiful beach. I do want the ceremony to be held in the church and parish where we raised our children in a very supportive community.

Open casket wake? Burial? Cremation?

Burial, after my family have had a chance to have a viewing, if they wish.

If cremation, where would you want your ashes spread?

If I was cremated, I would want my ashes interred in a cemetery, so my family have a place to visit.

Top 5 songs to play at your funeral?

The Lord is my Shepherd
Andrea Bochelli, Born to Shine
You Raise me up
Supermarket Flowers, Ed Sheran (my granddaughter is going to sing this!) 
I need to think more about this question, time to start getting ‘my list” together!

If you could live forever, would you want to?

No, I believe our journey here on earth is a “temporary assignment” preparing us for a life in eternity with our Creator.

Where do you think you go once you die?

Home to all my family and loved ones who have gone before me. I hope that I stay very present in the hearts and minds of my loved ones

If there is a heaven who are 3 people you would like to hang out with?

My parents, Fr Chuck Gallagher, a Jesuit priest from New York who we loved dearly, and my husband (if he gets there before I do!)

Do you believe in ghosts?

Maybe - I certainly believe in the supernatural

If reincarnation is real what do you want to come back as?

A ‘new and improved version’ of myself. I LOVE my life

What are three words you hope people use to describe you when you are gone?

Whole hearted, lifegiving, joy filled

Biggest regret in life?

I don’t really have any, every stage of my life, in various places in the world, has brought its challenges, but I have always seen that as a growth opportunity and a blessing.

Top 3 things that helped you through grief?

Recalling cherished memories, talking with family, journaling my thoughts and feelings

Best advice someone gave to you?

Be gentle with yourself

Did meditation, friends, food help you the most?

Friends and family mostly, and music that connected me to my loved one.

How was navigating the funeral home system and what’s your advice?

Our limited experience with funeral homes has been positive

If you were to give someone 1 piece of advice on grief what would it be?

As above, “be gentle with yourself”

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